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Motorcycle Accidents

Motorcycle Accidents

Alaska Personal Injury Law Group attorneys have helped injured motorcycle riders recover damages for personal injury and property loss when other drivers fail to “share the road” with motorcycles. Motorcycle riders have the same legal rights and privileges as any other driver in Alaska. Unfortunately, those rights and privileges are not always respected in practice. Automobile and truck drivers sometimes fail to “see” motorcycles because of their smaller profile. They may also fail to correctly judge the speed and distance of an approaching motorcycle. Although motorcycle riders are entitled to use the entire width of their lane of travel, other drivers sometime encroach into that space. One of the more frequent and dangerous types of automobile/motorcycle collisions is when an automobile or truck driver fails to yield the right–of–way by crossing, or turning left, in front of an approaching motorcycle. Alaska’s long winters can compound these risks when drivers get out of the habit of looking for motorcycles during the six months of ice and snow.

The attorneys at the Alaska Personal Injury Law Group know the legal rights of motorcycle riders. They know the steps needed to effectively present your motorcycle–related claim to an insurance company and how to negotiate a fair settlement. When insurance companies or other defendants fail to offer fair compensation, Alaska Personal Injury Law Group attorneys are ready and willing to try your case. In our view, the best guarantee of obtaining a fair settlement is to hire counsel who have a track record of trying cases and will thoroughly prepare your case as if it will be tried.

Contact Us. We will explain your rights as an injured motorcycle rider and outline your legal options.