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Maritime Injuries

Maritime Injuries

The attorneys at Alaska Personal Injury Law Group have handled a number of maritime and admiralty matters, including Longshore and Harbor Worker’s Act claims; Jones Act and unseaworthiness claims for personal injury and death; and maritime product liability claims. The maritime cases handled by the Alaska Personal Injury Law Group include wrongful death claims due to sinkings and defective marine equipment; injuries resulting from unseaworthy vessels and the negligent acts of fellow crewmen; and property damage claims due to improper shipyard repair work. The attorneys at the Alaska Personal Injury Law Group understand the special laws that apply to maritime claims and have handled maritime matters arising in Bristol Bay, the Bering Sea, the Gulf of Alaska and Southeast Alaska.

An example of an ongoing maritime case at the Alaska Personal Injury Law Group is one in which a longshoreman fell off the side of a barge and was crushed between the barge and a dock piling. Mr. O’Donnell, a Proctor Member of the Maritime Law Association of the United States, recently obtained a ruling from the Ninth Circuit Court of Appeals that the barge owner was negligent as a matter of law for not having a three-course railing around the perimeter of the barge. The Ninth Circuit further agreed that the portion of the Coast Guard’s Marine Safety Manuel exempting this type of barge from railing requirements was illegal and unenforcible. Abruska v. Northland Vessel Leasing Co., 2007 WL 4328834 (9th Cir. 2007)

Contact us. We can explain the maritime law that affects your claim and help you protect and assert your rights.